Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Papal Document Will Be On Economics

An article by Robert Moynihan, editor of, gives us advance notice of a new Papal Encyclical. One that will cause as much fury among Capitalists and Socialists as did Leo XIII's Rerun Novarum or John Paul II's Centissimus Annus.

As printed on the website Energy Publisher on March 3rd, Moynihan lets us know that Pope Benedict XVI's newest letter will come down hard on both of Distributism's main rivals. As Moynihan puts it, "it will be filled also with truth about how false economic principles and moral ideals can lead mankind toward the abyss, and into it."

You can read Moynihan's article HERE.

Congratulations to the Holy Father in advance for this important document. Distributists and others of good will await it with baited breath.

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