Friday, March 20, 2009

Big Agribusiness Eating Up Organic Companies

Thanks to the Cornucopia Institute, there is a report on how eleven of the Big Agribusiness conglomerates own the very companies producing organic foods in America.

The report, compiled July of 2007, was done by Dr. Phil Howard, an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University. It can be read HERE.

In light of the proposed bills that would illegalize backyard gardening, farmer's markets and the like, this information must spur us on to break up these conglomerates. Like in other industries, Big Business and Big Government - Capitalism and Socialism - work hand-in-hand to destroy small-scale competition. Or failing that, to try to buy out said competition and make it work for them.

This is not the workings of a market economy, but it's mutation and distortion. We Distributists must never stand for this.

So let's demand our Congressmen and Senators vote against those bills mentioned earlier this week. Then work to break up these Big Agribusiness combines from the bottom-up. It won't happen overnight, but with God's merciful help, we can win.

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